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A review of marijuana uses and sales in Michigan

For those in the legal marijuana business in Michigan, keeping up with regulatory changes in the business can seem like a full-time job. News headlines constantly refer to new developments that deal with licensing, retail sales and legal modifications.

The state hopes to put in place a regulatory framework that encourages business growth and safe consumer access to new products. Current laws on marijuana use include many changes in the past couple of years.

Using marijuana

The Detroit Metro Times provides a clear review of where things stand for recreational marijuana use in Michigan. While medical marijuana use became legal in 2008, recreational use of cannabis passed legal requirements in 2018. Licensed sales, which began in 2019, continue to grow throughout the state.

Each local unit of government reserves the right to allow or restrict recreational marijuana sales. As for the consumption of marijuana, users must partake of cannabis in a private setting such as their home. Current law bans the use of the substance in public places such as parks as well as on all federal lands. Penalties range from a civil infraction to a misdemeanor. It remains illegal to drive a vehicle while under the influence of cannabis.

Growing cannabis

Michigan residents can now grow marijuana in or at their homes, though specific regulations apply. Each household must adhere to a limit of 12 plants or face potential penalties. Individuals must grow plants in a secure location that does not call attention to the plant.

Significant hurdles remain for people hoping to begin a retail sales operation in the state. For example, some entrepreneurs report having difficulty obtaining funding for a marijuana-based business.