What is bird nesting?
It is important for parents in a divorce to provide as much stability and structure to their children in this trying time as possible. Of course, this often seems easier said than done.
But there is one way to get a headstart on stabilization in the form of housing. It is bird nesting, a viable option for most divorcing couples.
The benefits for your child
Cornell Law School takes a look at bird nesting. This form of housing during divorce involves the child staying in the family home 24/7 instead of going between their two parent’s homes in accordance with a visitation schedule.
This takes a lot of the pressure off of the child, as they do not have to focus on adapting to a new environment. They do not have to worry about making new friends, attending a new school, or missing out on activities because they will be at their co-parent’s house instead.
What parents must do
It does require some work on the parent’s part in order to be a viable option, however. For one, the parents need the financial ability to afford two forms of housing. They cannot live in the family home 24/7 along with the child, as they will take shifts with their co-parent living there. Thus, when they are not at the family home, they need somewhere else to stay.
Many people will room with loved ones like family members or friends. Others will turn to motels, hostels or other temporarily living accommodations. Some may have the ability to rent small units in apartments. If parents can make this work, nesting is a good option to consider.