
Understanding the Lifeline of Expungement

Understanding the Lifeline of Expungement

Challenges and Stigma of Having a Criminal RecordHaving a criminal record can lead to numerous challenges and social stigmas. Employment opportunities, housing prospects, and even social relationships

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Common Child Support Misconceptions: Separating Myths from Facts

Common Child Support Misconceptions: Separating Myths from Facts

Child support can be one of the most challenging aspects of navigating family dynamics after a separation or divorce. The confusion and stress brought about by misconceptions surrounding child suppor

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Starting an edible marijuana business in Michigan

Edible marijuana products are now legal in Michigan, and many people have some interest in both consuming and creating them. However, as is the case with many highly regulated businesses, it might be

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How must you serve divorce papers?

Your marriage probably seems like an intimate and personal matter between you and your husband or wife. Still, before you walked down the aisle, you received permission to marry from the state. The st

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How does the court divide property during divorce?

If you are facing divorce, you probably have serious concerns about how the process will impact your financial future. From your home and personal property to cash and investments, how might the court

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Michigan property distribution: How does it work?

Property division is often a major point of contention or at least focus during a divorce. There can be a great deal of conflict over assets. Michigan is not a community property state where judges si

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Protect your construction contract from ambiguous meaning

Doing business on the strength of a handshake is no longer possible in the construction industry. When you are about to begin a project, you must get everything down in writing. If problems later aris

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What are the requirements to carry a concealed weapon?

Individuals in Michigan who wish to carry a concealed firearm must submit an application. There are specific requirements they must meet to get approval. Anyone carrying a concealed weapon without the

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How do anger issues factor into domestic violence?

Many different issues contribute to violence within a person’s home and personal life. Anger management issues often rank near the top of the list. Though anger management issues do not excuse the beh

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What a plaintiff must prove in a defamation case

When someone in Michigan says something false and harmful about you or your business, that individual may be guilty of defamation. Libel and slander are common terms that come up in defamation cases,

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Commonly asked questions about adult-use marijuana establishments

Legal marijuana is a fairly new sensation in Michigan, and there are many new laws and regulations to sort through for those who want to grow, sell or use their own marijuana. To help sort through som

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3 FAQs about title insurance when buying a Michigan home

Buyers officially gain ownership of a home when they receive the title to the property. Ideally, the new homeowners will have performed a thorough title search to ensure that the title does not have a

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Changing child support amounts in Michigan

When a judge determines child support, payment amounts will depend on the children’s specific care needs as well as each parent’s financial resources. However, these factors are likely to change as ch

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Can a penny save you from an OWI arrest?

If you have lived in Michigan for any time at all, you probably know just how seriously the state takes drunk driving. Indeed, following a conviction for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, you mig

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Child support modification in Michigan

If you owe child support or receive payments, it is vital to have a clear understanding of how the modification of a support order works. In fact, the amount of child support you have to pay or receiv

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How many parents fail to pay child support?

Whether your child’s other parent is not paying the support they owe or you have concerns about your ability to stay current on child support, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of your op

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Are breath test device readings always accurate?

A conviction for operating while intoxicated in Michigan means serious consequences, some of which might include hundreds of dollars in fines, time behind bars and more. When a Michigan law enforcemen

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What is defamation?

Defamation is a civil claim that one person may make against another. Michigan law defines it as one person making false statements about another that cause harm to the defamed person. There are speci

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How will a Michigan OWI affect your auto insurance rates?

When a Michigan law enforcement officer charges you with operating while intoxicated or driving under the influence during a traffic stop, quite a bit hangs in the balance. Even as a first-time OWI or

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What is defamation in business?

Defamation can destroy your business’s reputation and harm the bottom line. To claim defamation, a person or entity must make false statements about you or your company, damaging your reputation. Acco

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When is divorce the right answer?

A subtle disagreement. A change in beliefs. Do those types of occurrences warrant a divorce? Perhaps not, but infidelity, criminal involvement and abuse are absolutely reasons you might want to end yo

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How may commercial real estate trends affect rentals?

You could obtain better results negotiating lease terms based on the trends affecting companies returning to traditional work environments. As noted by, you may find it helpful to remain

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How can I prepare before purchasing commercial real estate?

If you need to buy property for your business or for a commercial purpose, you need to prepare beforehand. It is a bad idea to jump into a purchase without doing your homework and planning ahead. Busi

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What is constructive possession?

If you find yourself facing drug charges, the constructive possession doctrine could mean the difference between your conviction and acquittal. Given that the prosecutor cannot obtain your conviction

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How is Detroit licensing marijuana businesses?

Recreational marijuana is fairly new in Michigan. That means the associated businesses with the industry are still getting established and working through the process to become able to open and legall

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Truth or falsehood: 3 commonly held misbeliefs about divorce

Divorce is a complex process that involves many factors, from property division to custody considerations if a couple has minor children. It is natural then that many individuals have questions about

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Child support and your passport

The divorce process can bring up a number of stressful issues, and some (such as child support) could continue to impact your life years later. If you owe child support at this time, or you anticipate

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Business litigation involving false discrimination allegations

As a business owner, you could encounter a number of problems, whether you end up in the middle of a contract dispute or your firm faces allegations of defamation or negligence. In some instances, bus

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How can allergy medicines affect your driving?

A police officer may suspect someone of driving under the influence of alcohol by the erratic way the driver operates an automobile. This is because alcoholic drinks can interfere with your cognitive

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Can you turn away from sobriety stops?

Sobriety stops often evoke a sense of discomfort even among people who have nothing to hide. Sometimes, there is no deeper meaning to wanting to avoid these stops. But are they actually avoidable? Or

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The pros and cons of a trial separation

Most couples understand that any marriage encounters challenges along the way. This can lead to divorce, but couples might want to consider other options, at least in the early stages of trouble. A tr

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Actual damages vs punitive damages

When civil litigation begins, the plaintiff may request different types of damages. The Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute notes that these usually include compensatory and nominal damages

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3 methods of resolving business disputes

facebooklinkedinDisputes are an unavoidable part of doing business in Michigan, but, contrary to popular belief, not all such disputes have to cost you a hefty sum. In some cases, you may be able to a

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Will joint custody suit your needs?

facebooklinkedinAs parents going through a divorce, you likely spend a lot of time feeling concerned about how you want to approach matters like custody. After all, you want what is best for your chil

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What are possible signs of tortious interference?

facebooklinkedinA breach of contract is a serious matter for any business. However, a business or client that has suddenly decided to break off a relationship with your company might have suffered coe

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What is “termination for convenience?”

facebooklinkedinThose companies in Michigan that work contractually likely derive a great deal of security from those agreements. After all, a contract signifies stability through the implication that

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Does Michigan have an open container law?

facebooklinkedinIf you are like many residents of Michigan, you love to spend long summer days with your friends at a lake, campground or fair. These places are optimal settings for enjoying beer, win

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Different ways you can pay child support in Michigan

facebooklinkedinIf you are getting ready to file for a divorce or you have already ended your marriage, you need to think about various issues if you have kids. For example, if you expect to owe child

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What should you include in a parenting time schedule?

facebooklinkedinIn the state of Michigan, a parenting time schedule is different than a parenting plan. If you and your spouse are facing divorce, you must submit a parenting time schedule as part of

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What sets apart mediation and collaborative divorce?

facebooklinkedinAs a divorcing couple, you want to look into every available option for the split. After all, you can avoid a lot of headaches, lost time and financial troubles if you go about the div

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Do you have to wait six months for a concealed pistol permit?

facebooklinkedinFirearms continue to be popular with Americans. In fact, according to Gallup, 32% of Americans own one. If you would like to transport a loaded handgun in your vehicle in Michigan, tho

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What role does a mediator play in a dispute?

facebooklinkedinWhen dealing with a dispute, it may feel like things get out of hand quickly. This is part of the reason why so many people jump to litigation despite not having any true reason to tak

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What red flags should you look out for in a commercial lease?

facebooklinkedinBefore you sign a Michigan commercial lease agreement, it is crucial that you do your due diligence. Commercial leases may last much longer than most residential leases, and once you a

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What is bird nesting?

facebooklinkedinIt is important for parents in a divorce to provide as much stability and structure to their children in this trying time as possible. Of course, this often seems easier said than done

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How to record a payment to a vendor

facebooklinkedinAs a small business owner, you want to keep your vendors happy so they will continue to sell you goods and services. Some companies end up in litigation because of disputes over whethe

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How can gray divorce impact your life?

facebooklinkedinAs you go through the divorce process and learn more about your wants and needs, you may come to realize that a large amount of advice is for younger couples. Learning more about the b

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What are the requirements for marijuana industry employees?

facebooklinkedinMost of the rules pertaining to employees in the marijuana industry are aimed at employers. However, it can help employees to understand these rules. Knowing the ins and outs of the in

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What causes opioid addiction?

facebooklinkedinIn the U.S., opioid use is an epidemic. Many people begin their opioid journey because of prescribed painkillers or curiosity, without recognizing the risks. If you suffer from opioid

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How do mechanic’s liens work in Michigan?

facebooklinkedinWhen you work on a Michigan construction project as a general contractor, subcontractor, material supplier or in a similar capacity, you have certain rights if you never receive paymen

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Should you take a breath analysis test?

facebooklinkedinWhen an officer pulls you over on suspicion of a DUI, what should you expect next? For many people, a blood alcohol content (BAC) test will quickly follow. Though you might feel inclin

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